Abstract Submission Guidelines


Abstract Submission Guidelines


- All abstracts must be submitted online prior to June 17, 2022.

- Abstracts must be written in clear English and recommended to be limited to approximately 300 words.

- An abstract consists of a title, author names and affiliation, text of the submission.


1. Oral/Poster presentations 

- Title: Capitalize the first letter of each word for the Author Information (Department, Institution, City, and Country).

- A concise title with not exceeding 30 words recommended.

- The abstract body text should be structured chronologically into four sections: Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion.

-Keywords: No more than 5 keywords which the first word begins with a capital letter.

-No additional proofreading or corrections will be allowed after the submission deadline. It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their text does not contain typos or grammatical errors.

- The scientific program committee will make the final decision to the option of presentation type after review (Oral presentation or poster presentation).

-Acknowledgment of your submission will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the corresponding author

-The e-mail you provided us will be used to notify you of the acceptance status and to send you updates. If you have any inquiries, please contact the secretariat at khs2022@koreahernia.or.kr.

2. Video presentations

- You need to upload 2-4 representative photos of the video case you want to present in one photo file.

- Please provide a written summary outlining aspects of the operation you wish to demonstrate as well as the clinical scenario.

- Review of the submission will be based on a summary of the abstract text and the photo.
If accepted for presentation, you may be asked to upload the video.


3. Abstract Topics

- Inguinal hernia

- Ventral hernia

- Parastomal hernia

- Rare hernias

- Surgical technique

- Postoperative complications

- Training/education


4. Notification of Acceptance

- All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee according to standard review procedures.

- Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail to corresponding, presenting and abstract submitting authors by Jun 21, 2022.

5. Withdrawal of Abstracts

- If the presenting author of an accepted abstract does not register by the pre-registration date, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.

- If you would like to withdraw an abstract, please notify the secretariat in writing as soon as possible.


6. Best Presention Award

- The Best Abstract Award is designed as a recognition of the scientific contributions to the conference. Your abstract(s) will automatically be considered for this award after successful submission.

- Your abstract will be evaluated for the award by the Scientific Committee and the winners will be selected.